Providing information about pool-borne infections, Public Health Specialist Dr. Nurten Elkin said, “Pool-related infections are usually caused by parasites (43.6 percent). As viral agents, adenovirus, hepatitis A, norovirus and echovirus are generally detected.”
Public Health Specialist Dr. Nurten Elkin evaluated swimming pools in terms of health.
Indicating that pool-borne infections are usually caused by parasites, Dr. Elkin said, “Shigella and Escherichia coli can be responsible for epidemics from swimming pools. While diarrhea, fever and nausea are observed in Shigella outbreaks, epidemics caused by E. coli may include bloody diarrhea, hemolytic uremic syndrome (a disease characterized by the development of hemolytic anemia and acute renal failure, usually in young children and the elderly), vomiting, and fever. Giardia and Cryptosporidium are fecal-borne parasites that are increasingly important in pool-borne outbreaks.”
Stating that health problems that may arise from swimming pools and similar environments are evaluated in three groups, Asst. Prof. Nurten Elkin said, “These are suffocation and injuries, microbiological risks and exposure to various chemicals. Drowning is one of the most common causes of death in the world. While not all cases of drowning result in death, it may result in permanent health problems that can last a lifetime in some individuals.”
Dr. Elkin continued her speech as follows:
“The most important factors affecting the prognosis in drowning are the ability to provide effective rescue and first aid in a short time, and then to apply a good hospital treatment program. Drowning is mostly observed in young children and is seen in individual swimming pools and similar environments in homes rather than public swimming pools. It is thought that the main reason here is that these environments are considered safe by the parents hindering the control of the children.”
Emphasizing that regulations regarding pool water temperature are especially important for those with health problems, pregnant women and children, Dr. Elkin stated that the microbiological risks that may arise from swimming pools are usually caused by the contamination of the water by the feces of the pool users and added, “Moreover, the water being used may be contaminated from the source. Another source of pathological microorganisms in pool water is the dumping of human-made garbage into the pool or its surroundings. However, regardless of the source of microbiological contamination, the most important cause of pool-borne microbiological outbreaks is the inadequacy of disinfection applications.”
Dr. Elkin warned that swimming pools and similar environments may contain various physical, chemical and microbiological risks that may threaten the health of the society, and that practices for the control and regulation of these environments have an important place in preventive health services.
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