Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

“Scabies affects hundreds of millions of people every year”

Making statements about "Scabies Disease", which spreads rapidly and reduces the quality of life of people, Public Health Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. ** Nurten Elkin also added: ''Scabies is an important public health problem that affects hundreds of millions of individuals in the world every year. Hygiene should be taken into consideration especially in public transportation and crowded environments. Personal items such as towels, linens, underwear should never be shared."

Scabies, an infectious disease caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, with itching on the skin, can be seen in all age groups. Stating that scabies is a significant public health problem, Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Health Sciences, Public Health Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurten Elkin: "It is more common especially in places such as schools, dormitories and nursing homes. Just as the disease is transmitted by close contact from person to person for 15-20 minutes, the use of the same pillows, quilts, sheets and common clothes is a major risk factor. "

"Personal belongings should never be shared"

The diagnosis of scabies can often be delayed because it can be confused with many skin diseases such as fungal infections, insect bites and hair follicle inflammations, especially eczema. It is especially important to identify itching at night and increasing with heat in order to distinguish scabies. Public Health Specialist Assistant Professor Nurten Elkin, "Itching is mostly seen in skin folds such as between the fingers and toes, wrists, armpits, belly button circumference, waist, nipple and groin area. Contamination occurs through close contact. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene in crowded environments, especially in public transportation. Personal items such as towels, linens, underwear should never be shared."

"Drug treatment and hygiene measures should be taken"

Stating that scabies definitely requires medical treatment, Asst. Prof. Dr. Elkin said, “Scabies is not a disease that heals or passes on its own. Drug treatment and hygiene measures should be taken. In cases where hygiene measures are not taken, treatment may be insufficient and the disease picture may recur. After starting the drug treatment, everything that comes into contact with the skin, such as clothes, pillow-quilt covers, shoes, etc. worn in the last 3 days should be placed in a plastic bag for 3 days, closed and kept airless or washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees."

Practices that are not based on scientific evidence must be avoided!

Stating that any application should be avoided without the approval of the physician in the treatment, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurten Elkin: "The application of some mixtures such as bleach, carbonate, vinegar and ash, which are not based on scientific evidence, will not be effective in treatment, as well as may cause the development of some allergic or eczematous lesions, and in the meantime, the contagiousness of the disease will continue. Treatment for scabies usually relieves symptoms within a few days and improves the condition, but itching and irritation on the skin can sometimes last longer. In cases where scabies is not treated, the infection may progress and symptoms may worsen. It can also be transmitted from infected people to others, so treatment is of the utmost importance.”

“Scabies affects hundreds of millions of people every year” Created Date: :   Thursday, November 16, 2023

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