Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Students still have the opportunity for transfer

Istanbul Gelisim University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Abdulkadir Gayretli made a statement about the transfer opportunities of the university. Noting that students should not feel sad because they study in a department and university they do not want, Gayretli reminded that the applications will end on Monday, February 10.

The transfer of students to associate degree or bachelor's degree programs is called as transfer, as long as the central placement scores of the year in which they register must provide the central placement scores of the higher education programs they wish to transfer. Transfers are made according to the provisions of the Council of Higher Education, which is “Regulation on Transition Between Associate and Bachelor's Degree Programs, Double Major, Minor in Higher Education Institutions and Credit Transfer Between Institutions.”

Abdulkadir Gayretli gave information about the transfer opportunities, reminding that the transfer applications started on Friday, November 29 and still continue. Emphasizing that students should not feel sad because they study in a department and university they do not want, Gayretli said: “Students can achieve their dreams with the transfer system in the following semesters. Students who meet the requirements can benefit from this system.”


Referring to the transfer opportunities that are intended to be made within and outside the institution, Gayretli stated that the students who transfer within the university still have their current scholarship continually. Gayretli said: “Students who want to transfer externally have the opportunity to get uninterrupted 75, 50 and 25 percent of fee waiver. Students can apply for a transfer if the central placement score of the student in the year they register is equal to or higher than the base score of the program/department they want to transfer.”


Stating that it is now easier for students to study in the department they want, Gayretli said: “All obstacles have been removed so that the students can study in the departments they want and achieve their dreams. Because when young people study in the departments they want with pleasure, both themselves and our country will benefit from it.”

The transfer applications will end on Monday, February 10 and the registration will continue until February 24th. The English Proficiency Exam will be held on the same day.

Students still have the opportunity for transfer Created Date: :   Monday, December 16, 2019

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