Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Sudden pressure at birth can cause brain damage

Indicating that newborn babies are extremely resistant to birth trauma and have a great degree of healing power, Lect. Gülşah Konakoğlu said: “However, it is seen that various factors put the babies at risk. Inadequate oxygen and unexpected pressure on the baby's head may cause brain damage as a result of bleeding in the skull”.

The birth process is known as an important beginning for the three-way commitment between mother, father and baby. Faculty member of Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Lect. Gülşah Konakoğlu made significant warnings against the complications on newborn babies. Indicating that the baby's skull bones are soft and not fully grown when born Lect. Gülşah Konakoğlu said: “For this reason, the head is slightly distended during birth, but it is not damaged, it can take its normal form again. However, if the baby is pulled out too quickly and if the mother's bones are not wide enough to allow the head to pass properly, the baby's head may be exposed to too much pressure if the cervix has not expanded sufficiently. In cases of sudden pressure occurring during birth, brain damage may occur as a result of bleeding in the skull. Prevention of sudden pressure is the most important point during labor and delivery”.

Noting that the inverse or lateral occurrence of the fetus is a condition frequently encountered in infants who are born less than 500 g Lect. Gülşah Konakoğlu said: “These abnormalities may be changed by the physician. The greatest danger of abnormal arrival is that the baby remains oxygen free.”

Stating that sometimes the forceps are sometimes used to pull the baby out of the birth canal, but today the use of forceps is limited to emergency situations Konakoğlu added: “Pushing out of the control of the mother may be used as a life-saving tool to expedite birth when the baby's heartbeat is low, the umbilical cord seen before the the baby's head exits, when the baby's oxygen intake is compromised, or when the placenta leaves early. In such cases, forceps play a vital role, but they can cause various problems and lethal effects on both mother and baby in case of misuse and overuse.”

Konaoğlu stated that the baby could not get enough oxygen during the birth and was called as 'perinatal anoxiya' and added: “Many studies lead to cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or mental retardation due to oxygen deficiency caused by brain cells destruction. The results of the researches suggest that oxygen deficiency can be extended to serious problems such as great distractions, hidden learning difficulties, poor coordination such as mental retardation, seizures and cerebral palsy.”

Sudden pressure at birth can cause brain damage Created Date: :   Tuesday, March 19, 2019

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