Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

The cause of the growth of events may be a sense of discharge

While the protests against racism and police violence that started after George Floyd, who was killed while being detained by the police in the USA, Political Scientist Asst. Prof. Dr. Alihan Limoncuoğlu said: “It takes time for the events to pass because the reason for the growth of the events there may be the pandemic and the a sense of discharge after the lockdown.

A survey was conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News about the death of George Floyd, a new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak in the USA. The questionnaire was assessed by political scientist Asst. Prof. Dr. Alihan Limoncuoğlu. Stating that anti-EU parties are getting stronger as events grow in Europe, Political Scientist Asst. Prof. Dr.Alihan Limoncuoğlu from Istanbul Gelisim University said, “The survey shows that despite tremendous media propaganda, Donald Trump preserves his support. Support for Trump's actions fell only 1 percent compared to April. European nations lost their confidence in the EU during the pandemic. While Salvini was holding a large rally in Italy, anti-order yellow vests returned to the streets in France. While the demonstrations on the streets of America continue to take up a lot of media coverage and jump to Western Europe, polls in many places reveal that those who do not go out on the streets are indeed a considerable number, though not the "silent majority" as Trump tweeted.”


Stating that the incidents have seriously disrupted the globalization process, Political Scientist Alihan Limoncuoğlu from Istanbul Gelişim University said, “The hands of nation states and the right populist politics have become stronger. While a global pandemic ironically disrupts the process of globalization and strengthens the hand of nation states, it seems to have lost many predictions at the beginning of the process, similarly, the killing of George Floyd and the events that followed seemed to political movements and leaders prioritizing the harsh security needs.”


Limoncuoğlu stated that the protests, especially in the USA, that started in good faith caused a reaction in the public after the control of the extreme groups, said: “It takes time for the events to pass because one of the reasons for the growth of the events may be the disgust caused by the pandemic and the sense of discharge after lockdown. Certainly, since the emergence of the events was caused by police violence, security forces were also hesitant to suppress protesters with excessive use of force.

The cause of the growth of events may be a sense of discharge Created Date: :   Monday, June 8, 2020

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