Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

The more you are able to explain the success, the more you are successful

Stating that teachers should look at the logical framework in their feedback to their students, Assist. Prof. Dr. Derya Kavgaoğlu said: “Attention should be paid to the ability and effort of the students. Guidance is needed to raise the motivation for success and to enable to explain her/his success to themselves.

Stating that each student has different reasons for success or failure, Assist. Prof. Dr. Derya Kavgaoğlu from Istanbul Gelisim University said: “This can be an intrinsic and constant cause like talent. But the difficulty of a given task can also be a variable cause such as luck or effort.”

Interpreting the students' point of view in this context, Kavgaoglu said: “For example, if the student gets a high score in mathematics and says ‘I am very good at mathematics’, s/he explains her/his success with talent. If s/he says ‘I did it because I worked hard’, s/he refers to her/his effort. S/he says ‘the questions were easy’, s/he evaluates her/his success with the degree of difficulty and ease of the task; or s/he says ‘I made a lucky shot’, s/he explains it with luck.”


Stating that referring to internal and controllable factors for the explanation of success will make the student proud, Kavgaoğlu said: “Especially if the student's success is explained for reasons such as effort, patience and stable work, the student maintains his positive behavior by thinking that s/he can get the same result in the same way. S/he motivates to raise the level of success, shows more effort, even takes risks to achieve better. S/he believes s/he has control over her/his success.”


Pointing out that explaining success and failure by chance or task difficulty will cause the student to become aggressive and give up, Kavgaoglu continued: “It is important that teachers give their feedback within this way of thinking.”

Kavgaoglu ended her speech as follows:

“Students need to be said: ‘You are talented in mathematics. It is clear that you are disciplined and study hard to be successful; you can be much more successful if you make this effort constant’. In this way, the ability and effort are drawn attention. It is important to support students' positive self-perception, to raise motivation for success and to guide them to make the right statements to explain their success to themselves in order to ensure the continuation of their academic success.”

The more you are able to explain the success, the more you are successful Created Date: :   Monday, October 28, 2019

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