Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

The share of education given until the age of 6 is big in success

Physiotherapist Çağıl Ertürk stated that compulsory pre-school education will affect children's physical development positively: “Early years are very important in terms of cognitive, character, social and physical changes. 33 percent of the academic success of children up to the age of 18, up to the age of 6 constitutes the success”.

Lecturer at Istanbul Gelisim University Physiotherapist Çağıl Ertürk emphasized that preschool education has many contributions to the development of children and that the quality of education at this time is very important, and said: “Early years are very important in terms of cognitive, character, social and physical changes. 33 percent of the academic success of children under 18, constitutes the success of the years under 6.”
Physiotherapist Çağıl Ertürk stating that activities in preschool education institutions are important in the development of the child's hand functions, said:

“Since the child comes to the preschool education center, he/she will use his hands without interruption. The activities carried out in both individual and group activities increase its hand functional capacity. It is important that the child uses tools such as crayons, various papers, scissors or tools such as glue and tape during the painting he makes in preschool education institutions. Due to the repetition of the same activities every day, it is inevitable for the child to develop hand muscle strength, finger grip and fine motor skills.”
Ertürk stating that the training given play a big role in the development of the child, and added: “The age range from pre-school to primary school is of getting special interest because the transformations of children in this age develop their visual perception skills in a good way and prepare children for primary school. Pre-school education has a positive effect on children's physical development”.

Stating that making pre-school education compuşsory would positively affect the physical development of children, Erturk, ended her speech as follows:

 “Children with good physical development, good hand skills and good grip will be more successful in academic and social activities. In order to make the studies in this area healthier, a wide range of studies should be done. Especially in our country, there is need for studies and normative data to provide information about the average values of hand grip and skill tests of children. Manual skills and grip strength can affect many outcomes, including the child's success and career choice. The impact of pre-school education should be evaluated in the long term. In pre-school education, joint studies with the Ministry of National Education and teachers should be carried out for protective physiotherapy studies.”

The share of education given until the age of 6 is big in success Created Date: :   Thursday, May 23, 2019

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