Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

They said “your beauty, your choice” in the period of social isolation!

With the partnership of Istanbul Gelisim University School of Applied Sciences Department of Public Relations and Advertising, and Center for Gender Studies, an awareness project called "Your Beauty, Your Choice" has been launched online in order to draw attention to the forced beauty perception created on women during the social isolation period.

The founder of ÜÇES Production and Public Relations Agency Sibel Savacı participated as speaker in the Webinar part of the project. While underlining that different trends and beauty perceptions are constantly emerging, Savacı informed the students about how to isolate themselves from this situation.
Savacı spoke as follows:
“Everybody is constantly criticized and get commentary in daily life, but the important thing is to observe that individuals are under the influence and pressure of the environment and trends regardless of personality and ideas of daily lives. Pressure doesn't have to be direct, it can come from the past.”
Stating that the most important thing to contribute to the physical characteristics should be character and personality, Savacı stated: “An individual trying to add value to the society will present beauty to all ages with the self-development of the mind, truth, goodness, conscience, social environment, profession and humanity.”
Stating that social isolation period does not create psychological pressure on women, in fact it is a period when the whole society can be equal and free, Savacı thanked to Berra Sever, Gülcihan Yılmaz, Şevval Bektaşoğlu, Anıl Anar, Yusuf Antil and Head of the Deparment of Public Relations and Advertising Asst. Prof. Dr. Emel Tozlu Öztay for the project.

They said “your beauty, your choice” in the period of social isolation! Created Date: :   Monday, June 15, 2020

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