It is often the case that they type their health problems into the search engine on the internet, have them searched and try to diagnose the disease. Stating that individuals' repeated searches on the internet about their health are called "Cyberchondria", Psychologist Res. Asst. İrem Uyar: “Have you ever thought that you have a brain tumor when you look on the internet to find out the cause of your headache? The information obtained as a result of searching for health problems on the internet can increase the concerns even more."
The internet environment, where we find answers to many questions, is the first place to apply when there are complaints about health. Most people try to diagnose their disease by typing their physical or mental complaints into the search engine on the internet and even more, creating treatment methods. Stating that individuals' repeated searches on the internet about their health are called "Cyberchondria", Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Psychologist Res. Asst. İrem Uyar: “Have you ever thought that you have a brain tumor when you look on the internet to find out the cause of your headache? The health concerns of individuals with cyberchondria are increasing with searches on the internet and it is difficult to control these concerns."
"It has been observed that the rate of those who search for health-related information in Turkey is 69%"
There is a lot of content on the internet about diseases and treatment methods. As such, search engines are the first place to apply for most people in any health problem. Stating that individuals make these searches in order to address their concerns about their health and possible diseases, Psychologist Res. Asst. İrem Uyar, "Since the information obtained as a result of searching for health problems on the internet may not be reliable, it may be incorrect or incomplete and this may increase concerns even more. It has been observed that the rate of those who search for health-related information in Turkey is 69 percent. One of the reasons why this rate is so high is that internet access is easy today. The fact that many doctors, dietitians and psychologists actively use their social media accounts and share frequently also affects individuals."
Within the scope of TUBITAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects ...
Istanbul Gelisim Vocational School (IGMYO) students have developed an innov...