Saying that the 43rd President of the United States of America, Joe Biden’s describing the events of 1915 as "genocide" in the official language for the first time in the country's history caused scandal, the Sociologist and International Relations Specialist Dr. Bahlul Aliyev continued, “This decision has only a political purpose. "It has no legal binding effect."
Evaluating the background of the 1915 events, Dr. Professor Bahlul Aliyev from Istanbul Gelisim University said, “When we look back on history, we see a great Armenian revolt led by Russia and France. For some reason, the memory of more than 500 thousand Anatolian people who were cremated, buried alive, killed by various tortures and impaled as a result of these riots is ignored while the temporary deportation of the Armenians who committed this brutality creates an agenda built with fake history software.”
Emphasizing that US President Josef Biden came to power by fueling and using chaos in the country, Dr. Aliyev said, “Josef Biden is a leader who managed to come to power by fueling the destructive chaos that the extreme leftist Antifa and BLM organizations started in the country before the US elections and by shaping their discourse accordingly. Therefore, we can clearly say that he feeds on chaos. For the last month, he was repeatedly warned by many Senators and Representatives of Armenian origin to keep his promise that he made when he was a Senator to officially recognize the so-called genocide when he came to power in return for financial support. We saw this from the speeches at the congress. Thus, we can say that Biden made such a decision under pressure.”
Expressing that Biden's use of the word "genocide" in his speech was also a big mistake in terms of American politics, Dr. Aliyev continued his words as follows:
“Such a decision is also a big mistake in terms of realpolitik. Turkey is the most important strategic ally of the US in the region. To weaken the relations with Turkey is clearly serving to Russia’s strategic purposes especially when the tension is rising in Ukraine - Russia border and after Biden personally made a support promise to the President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenski. Also, right after coming to power Turkey government condemned Russia’s attack to Georgia, which made Turkey the strongest opposition of Russian in the region. Therefore, it is politically irrational to come out against Turkey."
Pointing out that this polemic initiated by Biden will have bad consequences for the USA, Dr. Aliyev said, "Pandora's box was opened when ‘the president’ chose such a discourse. If Turkey is to response on the basis of reciprocity, USA will have to face its own history built on blood and massacres. In other words, USA will have to face events that are against human dignity such as the murders of Native Americans, physical extermination of more than 15 million people, slavery and violent attitudes towards Africans, Napalm bombs used against civilians in Vietnam, nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki despite the end of the war, murders committed in Afghanistan and Iraq, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. It is possible to extend this list further, but these events should cause an embarrassment and they are sufficient enough to be an answer for the fictional history written on 1915 events.”
Underlining that the US President Josef Biden's discourse has no legal binding, Aliyev concluded his words as follows:
"30 countries in the world officially recognize the events of 1915 as ‘Genocide’. This is not legally binding. 49 of the US states recognize the so-called genocide at the state assembly level. For some reason, Mr. Erdogan's promise to accept the proposal of establishing a joint commission for the Armenian side and its results has always been ignored and not accepted. However, no leader in the world has acted so sincerely. This shows that both the Armenian lobby and the states that use them as tools are applying double standards to an obvious level. No matter what the results are, it's just a political decision taken to put pressure on Turkey, it has no validity in historiography."
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