The inability of people with a toothache to do their daily work and to experience sleepless nights negatively affects their quality of life. With inflammation in the aching tooth, most of the time, the person needs to use antibiotics. Stating that inflammation can become chronic and cause different health problems if not treated, Prof. Dr. Seref Ezirganlı pointed out that the inflammation should be dried.
Inflammation is a response of the body's defense system to foreign substances, trauma, harmful chemicals, microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Inflammation plays an important role in the control of infectious diseases and healing of wounds. Inflammation occurs in two different forms, acute and chronic. While acute inflammation develops rapidly within a few hours or a few days, chronic inflammation develops slowly, taking weeks. If acute inflammations are not treated, they become chronic over time.
If inflammatory conditions are not intervened, it pierces the jawbone and spreads to the soft tissue. This causes swelling inside and outside the mouth. As a result, heat, redness, swelling, pain, and loss of chewing function of the patient, which are the 5 symptoms of acute inflammation, occur. Prof. Dr. Seref Ezirganlı, from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Dentistry, stated the following: “When left untreated or if adequate and effective treatment is not applied, acute inflammations become chronic and flow into or out of the mouth through a channel for weeks without getting better. As a result, the pain is also reduced. However, sometimes it can be activated and a reaction can occur. It can also mix with the blood and cause a serious bloodstream infection, which we call “septicemia.” This situation damages the tissues and organs. Expressing that it can cause death by spreading to vital organs such as the brain, heart and heart valve, Ezirganlı drew attention to the importance of drying the inflammation.
Antibiotic resistance has developed in society due to the unconscious consumption of antibiotics. Therefore, it is not sold without a prescription. There is a common belief among people that inflamed teeth cannot be extracted. Prof. Dr. Seref Ezirganlı indicated, “If there is acute inflammation and local redness, temperature increase, swelling, pain and loss of function, which are the 5 main symptoms of acute inflammation, the patient should be given antibiotics before tooth extraction. However, if the tooth inflammation is chronic, extraction can be done. Nevertheless, if the patient has a second infection that suppresses the immune system (such as flu or caries-related fever, malaise, etc.), it would be more appropriate to extract the tooth after the patient recovers.”
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