Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

"University Programs related to aviation are in demand"

The increase in private aviation companies, the rapid growth and development process in air transportation bring the need for qualified personnel. It is noted that departments related to aviation are quite popular in universities and students who graduate from related departments have the opportunity to find well-paid jobs in a short time.

It is stated that within the framework of the cooperation between the Council of Higher Education and the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, a limited number of higher education institutions in Turkey have the "Recognized School" certificate and the students who graduate from universities with this certification have many privileges.


Making statements on the subject, Aircraft-Space Engineer Dr. Haluk Kul says, “This study has been initiated so that the experts, who have received higher education in aircraft maintenance expertise, do not suffer from limited working experience during their education. On the other hand, a certification named ‘Recognized School’ has been implemented so that the education they receive can have the quality management and assurance systems required by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (GDCA). There are some privileges for those who graduate from these recognized schools.”


Providing information about privileges, Dr. Haluk Kul says, “It requires a period of time to become a licensed specialist in the field. This period is reduced from five to three years for B1 and B2 licenses for those who graduate from a recognized school, and from 3 to 2 years for A license. During their education, students can perform the operations in the ‘Basic Practical Education Registry’ and take notes about what they are taught. If they are successful in the ‘Module Exemption Exams’ organized by the recognized school, they can also have the ‘Module Exemption’ privilege."

Emphasizing that the students who successfully complete the Aircraft Electric-Electronics or Aircraft Body Engine Maintenance from the School of Applied Sciences of Istanbul Gelisim University and the Aircraft Technologies Program from the IGU Vocational School will have graduated with the stated privileges. Haluk Kul also informs that the university has recently expanded its certification scope with B2.

"University Programs related to aviation are in demand" Created Date: :   Friday, May 7, 2021

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