URAP (University Ranking by Academic Performance) Research Laboratory, established in 2009 within the Institute of Informatics of Middle East Technical University, develops scientific methods and evaluates higher education institutions in line with their academic achievements. URAP, which shared the results of the studies with the public, announced the 2023 11 World General Ranking.
In order to convey the steps to be taken to increase the success of higher education institutions in Turkey in the world rankings and to indicate the deficiencies, URAP shares its detailed report every year. According to the 2023 report, Hacettepe University, Istanbul Technical University, Ankara University, Istanbul University, Ege University and Gazi University took place in the 11 world rankings. In the report, which stated that universities that can enter the top 500 in at least 8-9 of the 11 ranking institutions will have a higher chance of entering the top 100, it was announced that this success could not be achieved in Turkey in the 2023 rankings. In the report, it is stated that it would be beneficial to add sufficient number of publications in journals scanned by indexing institutions such as InCites or Scopus to the appointment and promotion criteria of universities that are not in the world rankings in order to be included in the world rankings.
In the report published this year, Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), URAP, RUR, Webometrics and SCImago were included in the world ranking lists. IGU, which ranked 2137th with an increase of 162 places in the URAP general ranking compared to the previous year, ranked 53rd with an increase of 20 places in the Türkiye ranking. Istanbul Gelisim University ranked 7th in the ranking of foundation universities in Türkiye.
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