Istanbul Gelisim University

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While Covid-19 reduces its impact, it left mental disorders behind

Many habits have changed in our lives with Covid-19.

Isolation processes, stress, and anxiety caused mental problems while the pandemic diminishes its effect. Asst. Prof. Arzu Somay stated that "Post-Covid Stress Disorder" definition has emerged.

The global spread of Covid-19, which generated a global pandemic, has changed people's social lives all over the world. Following these quarantine days, the transition to online working and teaching methods had an impact on mental health, resulting in the loss of human relationships as well as increased stress and anxiety as a result of uncertainty.


Asst. Prof. Arzu Somay, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), stated that ''Mental diseases demonstrated a significant increase worldwide shortly after the global pandemic began. Covid-19 has resulted in a rise in global death rates as well as several psychological and economic consequences. The widespread fear of Covid-19, called 'coronaphobia,' has caused anxiety, hoarding habits, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the general public. Mental illnesses started to spread. Difficulties arose in isolating from friends and family, consuming the internet and social media, seeking safety, having doubts about illness, and managing life during quarantine days. Shutdowns in education, finance, entertainment, and service have had a negative impact on people's mental health since mental health involves so many elements''. Dr. Somay listed the causes of Post-Covid Stress Disorder as follows:

  • Shock due to quarantine/isolation,
  • Mental trauma due to severe illness and hospitalization,
  • Fear of infection,
  • Picturing the death of relatives and loved ones,
  • Financial burden arising from loss of business/income,
  • Stress and shock from constantly following daily news updates,
  • Domestic violence/sexual abuse due to the anxiety of being caught in unknown places,
  • Fear of adverse reactions from new vaccines,
  • Stigma of social isolation from society,
  • Fear of morbid future
Somay indicated that when people with Post-Covid Stress Disorder are unaware of their diseases and are not treated, they face catastrophic consequences such as suicide, extreme depression and bipolar mood disorders.


Dr. Somay also stated those who are most at risk are healthcare workers who are quarantined with complaints of increased fatigue, anxiety, loss of concentration and indecisiveness, and that at the onset of the global alarm, those with chronic diseases and young people show more psychological symptoms.

While Covid-19 reduces its impact, it left mental disorders behind Created Date: :   Wednesday, May 25, 2022

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