Istanbul Gelisim University

From the University Agenda

YÖK (Council of Higher Education) evaluated universities: IGU ranked 1st in 3 categories

The "University Monitoring and Evaluation General Report-2024" prepared by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) was published. Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), which stood out in 6 fields last year, stood out in 10 fields this year with its studies. While IGU was at the top with its studies in the field of water saving investment and energy efficiency investment per the amount of water consumed in the "Sustainability" category, which is one of the evaluations made by the Council of Higher Education, it maintained its 1st place as the university with the most accredited undergraduate programs.

The "University Monitoring and Evaluation General Report-2024", in which the Council of Higher Education evaluated 201 universities in Turkey according to 64 different indicators, was published. Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) ranked 1st in the university category, where the use of energy efficiency investment and water saving investment per the amount of water consumed was the highest. IGU, which took firm steps towards internationalization, maintained its 1st place as the university with the most accredited undergraduate programs among both state and foundation universities.

IGU entered the rankings in 10 different indicators in 4 different categories

Istanbul Gelisim University, which proceeds with the vision of "Research University ", ranked 6th in the category of "applied patent, useful model or design" in the field of " Research-Development, Project and Publication" according to 2024 data, and 13th in the category of "Field-weighted citation impact".  In the "University Monitoring and Evaluation General Report-2024"; IGU, which is the 1st university with the most accredited undergraduate programs in the field of "Education and Training", ranked 3rd in the "Number of E-Resources" category.
Advancing with the vision of the world university, IGU ranked 5th in the category of "Number of international doctoral academicians employed" in the field of "Internationalization", 9th in the category of "Number of international students" and 11th in the category of "Number of students participating in exchange programs".

Success in 3 different indicators in the sustainability field!

Istanbul Gelisim University, which attaches importance to sustainability studies in all areas, especially environmental sustainability by adopting the "Sustainable Development Goals", once again emphasized the importance it attaches to the practices for the effective use of natural resources as the 8th in the category of "Direct carbon footprint per capita" as well as its first place in the categories of "energy efficiency investment use" and "water saving investment per amount of water consumed" in the field of "Sustainability" in the 2024 report.

“We act with a strong spirit of cooperation to shape the future”

Istanbul Gelisim University Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin underlined the success of IGU in 10 fields in the University Monitoring and Evaluation General Report-2024, which maintains its 1st place as the university with the most accredited undergraduate program among both state and foundation universities. Prof. Şahin also added: We are proud of the studies we have carried out on many issues such as rapidly developing technology, climate and environmental problems, global conflicts, changes in social needs, employment and economic crises, which YÖK President Prof. Erol Özvar said these are the issues that higher education will seek solutions in the coming period.  As a university, we adopt the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the aim of leaving a more livable world for future generations. Sustainability is critical not only for the world, but also for humanity, and achieving this goal is a shared responsibility of all of us. In this regard, we aim to develop innovative solutions and increase social benefit by giving special importance to our education and research activities. We act in a strong spirit of cooperation to shape the future.”

YÖK (Council of Higher Education) evaluated universities: IGU ranked 1st in 3 categories Created Date: :   Friday, October 11, 2024

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