Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

“Horizon EUROPE - ERC Application Process Webinar” was held

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Office of Scientific Research Projects organized the “Horizon EUROPE - ERC Application Process Webinar”. There was great interest in the webinar, which was held on Wednesday, January 25th, with the narration of Aslı Vural from the TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) ERC National Contact Point.

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), which attaches great importance to both R&D studies and scientific projects on its way to becoming a prestigious "Research University", continues its efforts to provide research support. Organized by the Office of Scientific Research Projects, under the leadership of Istanbul Gelisim University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Necmettin Maraşlı, who is responsible for R&D, the "HORIZON EUROPE - ERC Application Process Webinar" was held for academicians and researchers from IGU.

Projects are funded by evaluating them according to scientific excellence criteria

Standing out with the support it gives to innovative, scientific and technological projects, Istanbul Gelisim University carries out its activities with the aim of becoming a "World University". A webinar was organized by the Office of Scientific Research Projects of Istanbul Gelisim University on how scientists from IGU can get funding for their projects from the European Research Council - ERC, what the basics and evaluation criteria of project application are.

Both the researcher and the research team are supported

European Research Council – ERC annually funds high-budget and risky/reward academic research projects that are difficult to get funding from many national programs. Thanks to the Council, scientists with projects in the fields of science, natural sciences, social sciences, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary fields can apply and receive funding support for their projects without any subject restrictions. At the same time, the European Research Council supports the project teams and the scientists who have the project by providing funding.


“Horizon EUROPE - ERC Application Process Webinar” was held Created Date: :   Friday, January 27, 2023

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