Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

"IGU has increased the number of international students by 10 times"

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) is also preferred by international students. The university has increased the number of international students by 10 times.

IGU International Office Deputy Director Aysun Kaya said that one of the most important reasons for international students to choose IGU is the accreditation of the university's 53 programs: “Students want to graduate with internationally recognized diplomas. İGÜ is a gateway to the world for them”- she added.


Stating that ıgu offers more English programs to students than other universities, Kaya said: “The excess of the programs in English plays an important role in the choice of students. In addition, IGU offers all students free double-major opportunities.”

Stating that she preferred Istanbul Gelişim University for being an international university, Silivia Ali from Iraq added: “The accreditations of the university make our diplomas valid in the world. There are many programs that I can choose here and I believe that this is the best place for my future”.
Nada Wasfy from Egypt, stated that she had attended the summer school organized by the university for international students and was influenced by the academic staff, said: “I know that university diploma is very important and I'm sure I will find a job wherever I go in the world after graduation from IGU”.

"IGU has increased the number of international students by 10 times" Created Date: :   Friday, September 21, 2018

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