Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Students take on the role of voluntary cultural ambassador

Istanbul Gelişim University Erasmus Coordinator Alisa Usubova stated that exchange programs contributed greatly to the internationalization of universities: “students going abroad from Turkey almost take on a cultural embassy mission voluntarily and plays a main role is promoting Turkish culture”

It is known that in the last 3 years with student exchange programs, while over 12 thousand foreign students came to Turkey, about 19 thousand Turkish students also went abroad. Erasmus Coordinator Usubova, who explained the aims of the Erasmus Exchange program, said: “The program enhances international cooperation and strengthens the European dimension of education in higher education. By providing intercultural interaction between students and academics, it aims to contribute to the strengthening of the professional skills and personal development of the participants and their social and cultural development. The program also aims to provide new skills and increase employment opportunities, regardless of age and educational backgrounds, and supports individual learning opportunities and institutional collaborations. Students going abroad from Turkey almost take on a cultural embassy mission voluntarily and plays a main role is promoting Turkish culture”.


Usubova touching on that all students at associate, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level can benefit from Erasmus program, also added: “With this program, students can engage in an internship activity in any institution related to their academic field and student mobility between 3 and 12 months at a contracted university in the EU. We have 150 Erasmus agreements with 94 different institutions in 21 countries. As a university, we participate in Erasmus programs with an increasing number of students and faculty members. Erasmus Program is a program where students can contribute to themselves at each field, improve themselves, be more self-confident and broaden their horizons. Any student who meets the requirements can benefit from this option”.


Usubova stated that as Erasmus Coordinatorship they provide support to students on all necessary subjects from the beginning to the end of mobility, said: “In order to provide detailed information about the program, we organize various adaptation programs and meetings. Receiving students' applications, sending student information to institutions abroad, visa, insurance and grant transactions are provided by us. We take part as Erasmus Coordinatorship in all stages of Erasmus Mobility. In such a way that students can communicate with our office without any hesitation of any difficulties and problems they face before they leave”.


Usubova stated that 32 students were sent abroad within the scope of Erasmus learning mobility in the 2018-2019 Academic Year Fall Semester and continued her speech as follows:

“Of these, 15 are girls and 17 are boys. In the spring semester, 50 more students will participate in this mobility. Students mostly prefer Germany, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Croatia, Slovakia and Italy. And mostly preffered universities are Nurtingen-Geislingen University, Lublin University of Technology, Tischner European University, Cracow University of Technology, University of Information Technology and Managment in Rzeszow, University of Rjeka, University of Zlina, CoimbraInstitute of Engineering, Comenius University in Bratislava, Universidad Autonoma De Madrid, University of Pizza”.


In addition, Usubova stating that the Bologna process was followed in IGU regarding the equivalence of the education received abroad, added: “The courses to be taken by the students abroad and the courses to be taken here are balanced by the department coordinator in our university. Students do not have a semester extension unless they are unsuccessful due to the recognition of the courses before attending the mobility”.

Students take on the role of voluntary cultural ambassador Created Date: :   Tuesday, October 16, 2018

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