Istanbul Gelisim University

From the University Agenda

The "Ataturk Commemoration" program was held at IGU!

Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was commemorated at IGU on the 86th anniversary. Commemoration program was carried out with the contributions of IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Asst. Prof. Abdullah Yüksel Barut, Research Author Dr. Onur Uzer. The program started with the opening speech of IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin, then continued with Yüksel Barut's and Dr. Onur Uzer's speeches. In the program, the folk songs, poems and zeibek dance that Ghazi Atatürk loved were also included.

IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin said, "Atatürk should be commemorated not just for one day, but throughout the year. Istanbul Gelisim University has progressed to the goal it has set on the path led by Atatürk and continued a quality-oriented development. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is a leader who is remembered not only by Türkiye but also by the whole world. I invite Istanbul Gelisim University academicians and all scientists to make more breakthroughs in the field of science. Only then will we follow the footsteps of the Founder of our Republic, our Head Teacher Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.'' Prof. Bahri Şahin concluded his speech as follows: ''The common denominator of the Republic of Türkiye is Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and our flag."

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences  Asst. Prof. Abdullah Yüksel Barut's speech started immediately after the song "Yanık Ömer", which Atatürk loved very much. "We want to understand Atatürk first and then commemorate him." Barut read the writings of Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu and Halide Edip depicting Atatürk. He emphasized how accurate Atatürk's predictions were. Asst. Prof. Barut continued his speech after "Benzemez Kimse Sana" and "Yemen Folk Song", pointed out that Mustafa Kemal strongly opposed the supernaturalism and extraordinaryness attributed to him, and that he had all the respectable qualities because he was a member of the Turkish nation. Asst. Prof. Abdullah Yüksel Barut ended his speech with the Atatürk's words; "My spiritual heritage is science and reason."

Dr. Onur Uzer started his speech by explaining the unknown aspects of Atatürk, his illnesses and injuries. "Today, we will try to understand Atatürk from different aspects." Dr. Uzer said. Uzer conveyed anecdotes about Atatürk's sensitivity to children and nature. Dr. Uzer also emphasized that Atatürk sometimes devoted his whole day to reading books, personally participated in some archaeological excavations, pioneered science in every field, and encouraged scientific studies at every opportunity. Dr. Uzer continued his speech by mentioning that Atatürk sent many students abroad for education. He drew attention to Atatürk's interest and love for zeibek folk dance.  He ended his speech with the words, "Great leaders do not need mourning."

IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin presented a plaque to Dr. Onur Uzer. Prof.  Bahri Şahin then thanked the academicians and students, participants and guests. The program ended with the performance of the IGU Youth Choir.

The "Ataturk Commemoration" program was held at IGU! Created Date: :   Thursday, November 14, 2024

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