Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

The first of the Expertise Training Basic program is completed

The first of the Expert Training Basic program, coordinated by Istanbul Gelişim University Continuous Education Center (CEC), was completed. Stating that one of the means of raising the standards of expert practice is that these trainings, the CEC Manager Asst. Prof. Fatih Fuat Tuncer said: “We are trainig experts who will contribute to the correct and timely processing of justice through our expert certification programs”.

A total of 24 hours of training including 18 hours of theoretical and 6 hours of practical training was completed in 4 days at IGU Continuing Education Center. Theoretical training of the program was run by Prof. Dr. Aydın Başbuğ and Asst. Prof. Didem Göç Gürbüz, practical training was given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saim Ocak.

Stating that people with five years of professional experience can participate in trainings, Tuncer said, “After the trainings, we give the participants a certificate of participation. Participants can apply with this document to be an expert in the dates specified in the announcement of the Judiciary and Administrative Commission Presidencies”.

CEC Manager Asst. Prof. Fatih Fuat Tuncer explaining that the expertise training will be opened again in the near future due to the interest, added: “In addition to all of these trainings, we are also opening ‘Trustee in Composition Trainings’. We will serve the public by filling an important gap on a current issue”.

The first of the Expertise Training Basic program is completed Created Date: :   Friday, November 9, 2018

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