Istanbul Gelisim University

From the University Agenda

TSE-ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System Certificate has been renewed!

Istanbul Gelisim University registered its quality by obtaining "ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System Certificate" by the Turkish Standards Institute. IGU was entitled to renew the certificate obtained in 2022 after the successful completion of the audits carried out by TSE.

Since it is not enough to meet the expectations and complaints of the students with traditional methods, a system has been developed to analyze the demands, complaints and expectations of the students effectively and efficiently and to make these evaluations systematically. This system, which is based on the TS ISO 10002 standard, aims at continuous improvement. IGU continues to successfully meet the quality standards by evaluating and quickly resolving student complaints with the slogan "It's Time for Quality at IGU".

 TSE approved the satisfaction of students with this document

The Student Satisfaction and Complaint Management System, which is carried out by the Istanbul Gelisim University Dean's Office, aims to manage students' requests, expectations and complaints more effectively and efficiently. With this system, it is aimed to increase the level of satisfaction of the services and activities offered to students. IGU performed successfully by evaluating and resolving both the trainings it provided to its employees and the workshops it organized, as well as the complaints and suggestions from the students through two different programs. As a result of this success, IGU was entitled to renew the approved document issued by the Turkish Standards Institute. 

TSE-ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System Certificate has been renewed! Created Date: :   Monday, August 5, 2024

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