Istanbul Gelisim University

From the University Agenda

TTO and TEKMER Managers in Istanbul met at Bezmialem Foundation University

Bezmialem Foundation University Fatih Campus hosted a breakfast meeting where Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) and TEKMER managers in Istanbul came together. At the meeting, the transfer of technological know-how in universities to industry, the role of TTOs in this process and the importance of the commercialization process were discussed.

At the opening of the meeting, the participants shared with each other their current work and experiences in their institutions. The activities of the TTOs, the cooperation processes with the industry and the strategies developed by the technology groups were discussed in detail.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) TTO Director gave information about the activities carried out by the institution in the field of technology transfer, national and international fairs attended, and industrialization strategies developed. In addition, project and invention introductory booklets prepared for SAHA Expo-24 were distributed to all managers participating in the meeting.
The establishment of a new association is on the agenda

The idea of establishing a joint association where TTOs would come together was also discussed at the meeting. It was stated that sharing experiences and success stories would make significant contributions to the development of TTOs.
The next meeting will be held at Kadir Has University!

At the end of the meeting, it was decided that the next meeting will be held at Kadir Has University. It was emphasized that such meetings, which aim to strengthen cooperation between universities and make technology transfer processes more effective, are an important step in the development of the sector.

TTO and TEKMER Managers in Istanbul met at Bezmialem Foundation University Created Date: :   Monday, November 25, 2024

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