Istanbul Gelisim University

From the University Agenda

''VI. International New Media Conference" was held at IGU!

"International New Media Conference" was organized by the New Media and Communication Department of the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences. At the 6th conference, many scientists from Turkey and abroad discussed the economic and political structure of the new media.

The 6th International New Media Conference organized by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences was held on October 26-27 at Gelisim Tower Auditorium. Within the scope of the conference organized with the theme of the political economy of the new media, nearly 100 communication scientists shared the results of their studies on the political economy of the media in face-to-face and online sessions.

Information was transferred with the power of the media and the digitalization process

IGU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Necmettin Maraşlı, Dean Prof. Dr. Kenan Aydın, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp and Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Communication Dean Prof. Dr. Burak Özçetin attended the opening ceremony of the event. The opening speeches of the conference were made by Dean Prof. Dr. Kenan Aydın and Head of New Media and Communication Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Eren Efe. Prof. Dr. Kenan Aydın made observations about the relationship between media, politics and economy in his speech.Mentioning the power of the media to determine and direct the agenda, Prof. Dr. Aydın underlined that as a result of this power of the media, it is in a decisive position on economic and political structures. In the opening speech made by Asst. Prof. Dr. Eren Efe, Head of the New Media and Communication Department, information about the digitalization process of the media and the structural transformation brought about by this process was conveyed.

Opening presentations were made by Prof. Dr. Jan Van Dijk and Prof. Dr. Ursula Huws

The opening presentations of the 6th International New Media Conference were made by Prof. Dr. Jan Van Dijk and Prof. Dr. Ursula Huws, two significant names in the communication studies fields. In the sessions moderated by Prof. Dr. Burak Özçetin, a presentation titled "The Power of Big Tech and How To Deal With It" was made by Prof. Dr. Jan Van Dijk. Prof. Dr. Dijk shared his findings with the participants on the transformation in the media field in the context of new communication technologies, the emergence of global new media giants and the global effects of this process. Ursula Huws, on the other hand, shared information on the effects of the global economic crisis experienced in 2007-2008 on the capitalist production process and the new capitalist models that emerged with the digitalization process in the media in her presentation titled "Commodification, Digitalization and the Restructuring of Labour Markets since the 2007-8 Capital Crisis".
Within the scope of the conference, which lasted for two days, many participants from Türkiye and abroad developed a critical perspective on the new media through topics such as gender, digital capitalism, digital labor, digital inequality, digital divide, digital activism, surveillance capitalism, international news monopolies in face-to-face and online sessions and discussed the problematic areas of the media and solutions.

''VI. International New Media Conference" was held at IGU! Created Date: :   Tuesday, October 31, 2023

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